General Consultation: Many of our clients utilize our services to perform a legal analysis of their overall business model, prior to going live. The firm’s attorneys are available to review your business ideas for compliance with all legal regulations and to advise on any questions you may have. 

Business Formation: We can help you with preliminary matters such as developing your corporate structure. We can assist in formation of the entity, securing tax ID numbers, issuing shares, drafting operating agreements, adopting bylaws, hiring employees, and registering business names.  

First Amendment: The focus of our firm’s practice has traditionally been in the First Amendment/Censorship area. Our attorneys have handled significant Free Speech cases in courts across the country at all levels, including the United States Supreme Court. These cases have involved issues relating to zoning and licensing ordinances, advertising, protests, fair use, freedom of information, civil rights violations, and bad faith prosecutions. The firm handles First Amendment claims on behalf of online business, individuals and traditional ‘brick and mortar’ businesses as well.

Licensing/Zoning/Permitting: Several of our firm’s high profile cases have been in the Permitting, Licensing & Zoning area. Local and state governments often attempt to legislate morality, and impose censorship by enacting restrictive Permitting, Licensing & Zoning laws applicable to controversial businesses. This will likely not change with the passage of new marijuana laws. Often these laws cross the line of constitutional protection afforded by the First Amendment. Our firm has the necessary experience to mount effective constitutional challenges to Licensing and Zoning regulations.

Litigation Services: Our firm can guide you through the process of litigation, whether defense or plaintiff’s side. We have significant experience litigating both private and criminal suits.

Advertising: Our firm can provide legal guidance on numerous advertising issues surrounding your new business and the legalization of marijuana.

Contact Services: We can help you form written contracts with employees, directors, officers, vendors, suppliers, service providers, website developers, consultants, and accountants to help manage and run your business.

Intellectual Property: Protection of our clients’ intellectual property rights is one of our foremost obligations. Copyright and trademark theft are rampant in the marketplace given technological advancements allowing content to be misappropriated with ease. We aggressively pursue copyright and trademark infringement claims on behalf of clients.  We also assist in perfecting your copyright and submitting applications for trademark protection with governmental entities.